Fs Big Boy Room Reveal — Tips for Transitioning Your Toddler to a Big Boy Room 

Over the last few months we upgraded F to a big boy room. Check out the reveal for ideas and tips for transitioning your toddler to a big boy room.

big boy room design

First Purchase for the Big Boy Room Reveal

The need to transition F to a big boy room started once he outgrew his crib. So purchasing a big boy bed was the first thing we did. I am still not crazy about the mattress we chose, but after I added a memory foam mattress on top, his bed feels like a little cloud.

big boy room reveal

I also saw a lot of friends get full or queen size beds for their toddlers, but we opted for a twin because of the limited space in the room. There is still plenty of room for us to cuddle and read books at bed time.

super hero inspired room design

Next item on our agenda was to paint his room and create a theme. Living by the ocean has definitely changed by personal style and our home has slowly transitioned into coastal decor—something I was not initially into when I moved to SoCal almost 10 years ago. Now, California coastal fits our lifestyle and our personal style much more.

how to style a little boys room

However, I wanted Fs room to feel like a little boys room and not necessarily a styled extension of our home, though you’ll notice some ocean themes still seeped in.

Just as we painted Fs room, we found out we will be adding to our family, so now creating a big boy room for F took on a whole new meaning.

Shop Fs Room Big Boy Decor

big boy room reveal

How Will You Use This Newly Designed Space?

A big boy room design for F had to include not only a big boy bed but also enough space for him to create and play—as we don’t have any additional space aka a playroom. Essentially, I designed this space with that in mind. It would have to be his bedroom, but also play area.

boy room deco

Now that he is going to be a big brother, I also wanted him to have a space that is just his. At least for a little while. Here are a few tips that helped us create a big boy room he loves.

boy room design neutral

Tips for Transitioning Your Toddler to a Big Boy Room 

big boy room reveal
  1. We Talked About the Transition and Made it Exciting The actual transition of Fs big boy room came in stages, as I mentioned. This helped us prepare him for every stage. First, the bed then the rug, the painting, etc. We talked about it all ahead of time and that made it exciting for him.
boy room decor style

2. We Did it in Stages  A part of me wanted to give F a big boy room makeover like they do on tv. Just an overnight reveal of his new bedroom. But, with all of us home all the time, that was just impossible. But also, probably too much for a four year old to handle. Doing little by little and involving him and talking about what else we are going to do and add or change made the transition smooth. In hindsight, I think an overnight overhaul would have been way too much for a toddler to handle.

how to decorate a little boys room

3. We Involved Him  We involved F in the process to a certain extent of course, with simple questions like “what would you like on your walls, Paw Patrol or Super Heroes?” He also helped choose the rug for his room, between two options. I think this really helped him feel excited about the transition and also have some control over the situation.

Shop The Essentials for Big Boy Room Ideas